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Almost Everything You Need to Know About Your PackardBell Computer
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The motherboardThe motherboard is the center of any system, because it will determinewhat components your system will support. Everything from the CPU to yoursound card is connected to the motherboard. The identification of whichboard is in your system is the key to answering questions relating to yoursystem.
This page is dedicated to the PB680 system types. There are atleast 3 types of PB 680 system; the 680, 685 and the 688. I haveno ideas as to what the difference is between these three types of systems,if anyone knows please contact me. My mother has a PB 685 with aP200 MMX, her system system credentials sheet says she has a PB 680. This leads me to believe that all three boards probably have only minordifferences. This may mean the info on this page may vary dependingon which version of the 680 you own. Please verify this informationfrom other sources and contact me when you find an error.
The PB 680 motherboard is said to be based on the Intel 'Orlando/Tampa'motherboard. Remember, even though the intel motherboard resenblesthe 680, Packard Bell can and does change the design significantly fromwhat intel offers them.
- Which motherboarddo you have?
To find out your motherboard type, visit mymotherboard page.
PB 680 Motherboard Diagram -
Motherboards are affected by the chip sets used on them; these chipsets determine how your computer uses data and what hardware your systemcan support. The 680 Motherboard has a TRITON 82430VX PCI set providesmemory/cache control, PCI bus control, ISA bus compatibility, and LocalBus IDE support.
- Components of this chip set
- 82437VX (TVX) - System Controller
- Two 82438VX (TDX) - Data path
- 82371SB (PIIX3) - PCI ISA Bridge
- The BIOS (Basic Input Output System) is essential to operate your computer;it provides the basic instructions that allow your computer to boot up. To learn more on BIOS try this page called BiosInformation. BIOS installation can be risky, so please research thisissue before you try anything. Here is a link on how to install bios:
The 680 uses the PB680 Orlando Flash Bios, version 1.00.xx DN0R. The latest version is 1.00.12 DN0R and is available at the PackardBell web site. The file name is
What does the new version of BIOS do? I am not sure, but thispost was in the Packard Bell newsgroup, when someone asked this question,'I did and now all my drives run in DOS Compatability Mode. Very interesting...' This post makes it sound like that did not work in DOS Compatability Modebefore.
Synchronize yoursystem's clock
- Visit my PB Tools Page for this service.
The CPU is probably the central part of the computer; it does most ofthe work. There are several types of processors on the market today. Intelis the leader with their successful Pentium Processors. Intel has justintroduced a new Processor called MMX. Click here to see the insides ofthe Pentiumchip (Large Graphic File).
- Jumper settings for PB680 Systems to change the CPU
- 180
- 2-3, 4-5
- 60 MHzBus Speed
- 1-2, 5-6
- 3.0X Clock Frequency Rate
- * Dependingon the upgrade processor you're installing, you may need to change thesetting of jumper (J1F2-B) CPU VOLTAGE on your motherboard. For Standard(OverDrive) type CPUs, the jumper should be placed over Pins 4-5. For D(VRE and MMX) type CPUs, the jumper should be placed over pins 5-6 (default).See your upgrade processor's documentation for the proper specificationfor your CPU.
- Note: Only PB 680 sytems with FCCID's 685 and 688 are MMX compatable. FCC ID:#s 680 and 682 systemsmight not be MMX compatable.
- CanI Have an MMX Processor in my PB 680 System?
- Packard Bell Europe says that if the motherboard has a voltage regulatornext to the CPU (ZIF) Socket then it can accomadate Intel 166, 200 and233 MHZ MMX processors. In addition you need to have BIOS revision1.00.09DNOR or higher in order for the system to properly recognize theMMX processor.
- Upgrading to an Intel233
- Note: Ido not recommendor even suggest that anyone overclock, I merely post this information soI can share what others have done, since it is an interesting subject.You should only overclock your system if you know what you are doing andyou know the risks, because it is you that bears all responsibility foryour system in regards to this subject.
- The following chart shows the CPU's that you can have in the PB 680motherboard. The chart is accurate to the best of my knowledge; pleasenotify me with any inaccuracies. Also it is hard to say if all PB680 system are equal, therefore this chart may not apply to all PB 680's.There is conflicting info as to if all PB 680s are MMX compatable, alsoI am not sure if the vre needs to be changed for MMX.
Read the MMX sectionfor more info.
J1F2-C | J1F2-D | Clock Frequency Multiplier | ||
75 | 2-3, 5-6 | 50 MHzBus Speed | 1-2, 4-5 | 1.5X Clock Frequency Rate |
90 | 2-3, 4-5 | 60 MHzBus Speed | 1-2, 4-5 | 1.5X Clock Frequency Rate |
100 | 1-2, 5-6 | 66 MHzBus Speed | 1-2, 4-5 | 1.5X Clock Frequency Rate |
120 | 2-3, 4-5 | 60 MHzBus Speed | 2-3, 4-5 | 2.0X Clock Frequency Rate |
133 | 1-2, 5-6 | 66 MHzBus Speed | 2-3, 4-5 | 2.0X Clock Frequency Rate |
150 | 2-3, 4-5 | 60 MHzBus Speed | 2-3, 5-6 | 2.5 X Clock Frequency Rate |
166 | 1-2, 5-6 | 66 MHzBus Speed | 2-3, 5-6 | 2.5 X Clock Frequency Rate |
166 MMX | 1-2, 5-6 | 66 MHzBus Speed | 2-3, 5-6 | 2.5 X Clock Frequency Rate |
200 | 1-2, 5-6 | 66 MHz Bus Speed | 1-2, 5-6 | 3.0X Clock Frequency Rate |
200 MMX | 1-2, 5-6 | 66 MHz Bus Speed | 1-2, 5-6 | 3.0X Clock Frequency Rate |
233 MMX | 1-2, 5-6 | 66 MHz Bus Speed | Remove both jumpercaps from pins. (Save the jumpers for future use.) | 3.5X Clock Frequency Rate |
These two pictures above show the voltage regulator onthe PB 680. Below is a PB 680 without the voltage regulator (Thanksfor scanning them Paul). As you can see this piece is noticableyabsent, it is either there or not there. |
NOTE: Some visitors to my web site have had success running MMX processors withouta voltage regulator. When an MMX processor is run without a voltageregulator you will be overclocking the core of the CPU which could resultin system instability or potentially burn out the processor. Howeverif you don't mind overclocking this could save you a few bucks. Pleaseread my overclocking section for more information.
Atleast some PB 680 can have 233 Mhz processor, first off to have a233 your system will need the voltage regulator shown above. Allthat is required is to change the jumper setting.
Here is an email from one of my visitors that did this upgrade. 'Ray, ... First of all I have a PB680 basedsystem ... After thoroughlyscouring your page and, much to my delight/surprise, PB's own upgrade page(do you believe it ?), I took the plunge and replaced my 200MHZ CPU witha brand new boxed Intel 233 MHZ MMX CPU. Naturally, I'm cynical anddid'nt think it would be as easy as replacing a few jumpers, I was readyfor disaster (being a veteran of PB systems). Much to my surprise,I removed the jumper pins from J1F2-D, powered the sytem up and Lo andBehold, the boot up screen now reads 233MHZ with MMX technology detected!! I already had a buyer for my system, but now I have a 233 MMX system andsaved about 1200 - 1500 bucks. I had upgraded the bios to the newestrevision (.12). Now my system is a legitimately current machine.' Dave
This shows that at least some 680's can take a 233 processor with noproblem.
Beyond 233 MHz
Well Intel has not created any more socket 7 processors after the 233MHz, they want you to scrap your old system and buy a new Pentium II system. Fortunatly, AMD, Cyrix and IDT are all creating socket 7 chips for us.
This motherboard is an Intel design and when it was created Intel madesure the BIOS was written in such a way as to prevent the motherboard frombooting up when a non-Intel processor is placed in it. This factmakes it tougher for us all to upgrade past 233 MHz, but it is possiblethanks to a coupple of products.
Many PB 680 owners have been putting the Powerleap Adapter in theirsystems (sytems that lack the voltage regulator) with sucess. Thisgives them the split voltage required for MMX processors. The powerLeapadapter also allows the core voltage to be set at the neccessary voltagefor AMD and Cyrix processor. Click here to read my PowerLeapadapter review.
Another product that is needed is a BIOS upgrade, the only known sourceis Unicore Software, they make Mr. BIOS.
Using the above two products some users have got AMD K6 processor towork it their PB 680 System. Please let me know what you get to work.
Ifyou are thinking about overclocking, I recommend that you read all of theoverclocking web pages that you can before you try it. There are some importantthings to consider when overclocking.
For more info, read my overclocking page.
Overclocking to 233MHz
I was so excited when I found the jumper setting for 233Mhz, that Iposted it every where. However since then I have gotten at least6 E-mail messages all saying it did not work on thier system. I havecome to the conclusion that 233 may only be achived by using a true 233MHz Pentium chip. If I am wrong please let me know.
One person E-mailed me stating they have never gotten a 200 MHz pentiumto run on with 3.5X clock multiplyer jumpers set. This samepentium 200 chip was able to be overclock (on a non Packard Bell System)225 (3X75), and one of them to 255 (3X83).
Recent articles on web sites like Tom's Hardware page indicate thatthe latest pentiums can not be overcloked using the clock multiplier becasuethis is the way Intel designed the chip.
Pb_nec Laptops & Desktops Driver Download For Windows 8.1
- TheOverclocking Guide - One of the best sites on the net
- Video Memory
- The 680 motherboard comes with either 1MB and/or 2MB of EDO DRAM videomemory. Systems with 2MB of video memory can not be upgraded. System with 1MB of video memory can be upgraded to 2 MB. Simply installtwo 256Kx16 (50ns) EDO DRAM SOJ chips into sockets U2J1/U3J1. Donot use FPM Video memory it may distort your video image, you must useEDO video RAM.
Howto install Video memory -
- The 680 series motherboards either come with 256k L2 cache or without. There is no upgrade available. Those systems with the 256k L2 cachecan not be upgraded to 512 L2 cache. You have only as much L2 cacheas when you bought the system, no more and no less.
- You MUST install 72 pin SIMMs (Single In-line Memory Module) intothe motherboard's SIMM Sockets in pairs.
- You can use the following types of memory:
- 60 ns (or faster) EDO DRAM SIMMs for 50, 60 & 66 MHz bus speeds
- 70 ns (or faster) Fast Page Mode DRAM SIMMs for 50, 60 or 66 MHz bus speeds.
Adding RAM
There are (4) 72-pin SIMM sockets located at (J6F1/J7F1 - Bank 0) and(J7F2/J8F1 - Bank 1) on the motherboard. Before you buy any RAM youshould ensure that your banks are not all filled up with factory installedRAM. Packard Bell strongly recommended EDO SIMMs for the best systemperformance. 'However, you can also purchase Fast Page Mode SIMM Modules.Both types of memory upgrades are supported; however, both SIMM modulesmust be of the same memory type in each bank. Do not mix Fast Page Modeand EDO SIMMs within the same memory bank!' - Packard Bell PB680 manual.
When ever you install SIMMS you should follow these rules:
After installation the system automatically detects installed memory,so you won't need to change jumper settings when upgrading your memory.
I got some email saying that if your PB680 is not supporting 800x600display mode at 56Hz, then all you need to do is to download 1.00.05 Biosor later and update the video driver to version 2.02.05. This littleglitch was caused by the BIOS and Video driver.
Hard Drive
The Hard Drives on Packard Bell Systems are not uniform, each PB 680motherboard can have a different size and manufacturer of the hard drives.
If you want more information I suggest you contact the individual manufacturerof your hard drive.
Pb_nec Laptops & Desktops Driver Download For Windows
Getyou own PB 680 manual
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- Vist my PB Manual Page to download eitherthe PB 680 manual or the PB 680 MMX manual.
Whatdoes PB NEC Europe say about the PB 680
- Here is a page from a PB 683 manual given with a system sold in Europe.Click here to see the large jpg imageof this page.
For a list of all my web pages or frames-free viewing see my SiteMap.