Pb_nec Laptops & Desktops Driver Download

Compaq, PB NEC Go With New-Look PCs Doug Olenick ⋅ Published: January 1, 1970 Compaq, Packard Bell NEC and IBM fleshed out their fall PC lines last week with the former company introducing a new desktop form factor, NEC showing a follow-up to the Z1, and IBM unveiling an $899 PC powered by a Celeron 500MHz processor. Ga-6wmz7-pb nec gigabyte motherboard powermate-es ga-6wmz7-pb; gc054509vh-8a nec cooling fan heatsink m340; gdr-8163b nec dvd-rom 16x48x ide white; gp-6150pmk nec ps 95w ready 9889; gps-350bb-104c nec psu; gt100-pc01 nec proc 450mhz k6-2 gt100; gt250-mr01 nec m 64mb pc133 gt250; gt250-pc01 nec proc piii 500/512/100; gt5000 nec projector gt5000 new open box.

Prefixos usados pelos fabricantes de componentes

Publicado: Quinta, 27 Agosto 2009 16:12

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A = Fairchild, National Semiconductor, AMD, Allegro Microsystems
ACF = General Instrument
AD = Analog Devices, Harris
ADC = National Semiconductor
ADEL = Analog Devices
ADG = Analog Devices
ADM = Analog Devices
ADS = Burr-Brown
ADVFC = Analog Devices
AH = Optical Electronics Inc.
ALD = Burr-Brown
Am = AMD
AM = Datel
AMP = Analog Devices
AMSREF = Advanced Monolithic Systems
AN = Panasonic
AT = Atmel
ATT = Lucent Technologies
ATV = Atmel
AVS = Thomson
AY = General Instrument

BQ = Benchmarq Microelectronics Inc.
Bt = Brooktree
BUF = Analog Devices, Burr-Brown
BX = Sony

C = Intel
CA = Harris
CAV = Analog Devices
CD = Harris
CDP = Harris
CLC = Comlinear, National Semiconductor
CM = Supertex, Temic
CMP = Monolithics, Analog Devices
COM = Standard Microsystem Corp.
COP = National Semiconductor
CP = Harris
CS = Harris, Cherry Semiconductor
CX = Sony, Cyrix
CXK = Sony
CY = Cypress


D = Siliconix, Intel
DAC = Analog Devices, National Semiconductor, Burr-Brown
DCP = Burr-Brown
DF = Siliconix
DG = Harris, Temic
DM = National Semiconductor, Fairchild
DP = National Semiconductor
DS = National Semiconductor, Dallas Semiconductor

EF = Thomson
EL = Elantec
EP = Altera
EPM = Altera
ET = Thomson

F = Fairchild, National Semiconductor
FSS = Ferranti

G = California Micro Devices Corp.
GA = Gazelle
GAL = Lattice
GIC = General Instrument
GL = Goldstar
GM = Goldstar
GMM = Goldstar
GP = General Instrument
GSD = Thomson


H = Harris
HA = Harris, Hitachi
HAD = Honeywell
HAS = Analog Devices
HCF = Thomson
HCPL = Hewlett-Packard
HCTL = Hewlett-Packard
HD = Hitachi
HDAC = Honeywell
HDM = Analog Devices
HEF = Philips
HEP = Motorola
HFA = Harris
HG = Hitachi
HI = Harris
HIN = Harris
HIP = Harris
HL = Hitachi
HM = Hitachi, Temic
HN = Hitachi
HPM = Hewlett-Packard
HT = Holtek
HV = Harris
HY = Htundai

i = Intel
I = Intel
ICH = Harris
ICL = Harris
ICM = Harris
IDT = Integrated Device Technology
IM = Harris
IMS = Inmos
INA = Burr-Brown
IP = Temic, Seagate Microelectronics
IR = Sharp, International Rectifier
IS = Integrated Silicon Solutions Inc., Burr-Brown
ISD = Information Strorage Devices
ISO = Burr-Brown
ISPLSI = Lattice
IVC = Burr-Brown

KA = Samsung
KM = Samsung
KMM = Samsung
KR = Standart Microsystem Corp.


L = Fairchild, National Semiconductor, Thomson, Siliconix, Siltronics, Unitrode
LA = Sanyo
LC = Sanyo
LD = Siliconix, Siltronics
LF = National Semiconductor, Motorola
LFT = National Semiconductor
LH = National Semiconductor
LM = National Semiconductor, Thomson
LMC = National Semiconductor
LMD = National Semiconductor
LMF = National Semiconductor
LMX = National Semiconductor
LPC = National Semiconductor
LPC = National Semiconductor
LS = LSI Computer Systems, Thomson
LT = Linear Technology Corporation
LTC = Linear Technology Corporation
LTZ = Linear Technology Corporation

M = Mitsubishi, Thomson
MA = Analog Systems, Marconi
MAB = Philips
MACH = Vantis (AMD)
MAT = Monolithics
MAX = Maxim
MB = Futjitsu
MBM = Futjitsu
MC = Motorola, thomson, Texas Instruments
MCC = Motorola
MCCS = Motorola
MCM = Motorola
MCS = MOS technology
MCT = Motorola
MEC = Motorola
MF = National Semiconductor
MIC = Micrel
MIL = Microsystems International
MK = Thomson
ML = Micro Linear Corp.
MM = Motorola, Fairchild, National Semiconductor
MN = Plessy, Micro Networks
MP = Micro Power (Exar)
MPC = Burr-Brown
MPY = Burr-Brown
MSC = Microcomputers Systems Components, Oki
MSM = Oki
MT = Mitel Semiconducor
MUX = Analog Devices
MVA = GEC-Plessey Semiconductor
MWM = Motorola
MX = Macronix, Maxim


N = Philips, Intel
NC = Nitron
NE = Philips, Texas Instruments
NH = National Semiconductor
NJM = New Japanese Radio Corp.
NM = Fairchild
NMC = Fairchild
NQ = Seeq
NSC = Newport

OHN = Optek
OM = AEG, Amperex, Thomson, Siemens, Philips, Telefunken
OP = Monolithics, Analog Devices, Texas Instruments
OPA = Burr-Brown
OPT = Burr-Brown

P = Intel, Temic, Performance Semiconductor
PA = Apex, Intel
PALCE = Cypress, Vantis (AMD)
PBL = Ericsson
PC = NEC, Philips
PCD = AEG, Amperex, Thomson, Siemens, Telefunken, Philips
PCF = AEG, Amperex, Thomson, Siemens, Telefunken, Philips
PCM = Burr-Brown
PDM = Paradigm
PEEL = Information Chips and Technology Inc.
PGA = Burr-Brown
PH = Silicon Storage Technology
PIC = Microchip
PL = Altera
PLC = Philips
PLS = Philips
PM = Analog Devices
PQ = Seeq
PSD = Waferscale Integration inc. (WSI)
PWR = Burr-Brown
PZ = Philips

QS = Quality Semiconductor Inc.

Pb_nec Laptops & Desktops Driver Downloads

R = Rockwell, Raytheon
Ray = Raytheon
RC = Raytheon, Texas Instruments
RCV = Burr-Brown
RD = EG&G Reticon
REF = Analog Devices, Burr-Brown
REG = Burr-Brown
RF = EG&G Reticon
RM = Raytheon, EG&G Reticon
RT = EG&G Reticon
RTC = Seiko Epson
RU = EG&G Reticon

S = Temic, Philips
SA = Philips
SAA = AEG, Amperex, Thomson, Siemens, Telefunken, Philips
SAB = AEG, Amperex, Thomson, Siemens, Philips, Telefunken
SABE = Siemens
SAF = AEG, Amperex, Thomson, Siemens, Philips, Telefunken
SC = Philips
SCB = AEG, Amperex, Thomson, Siemens, Philips, Telefunken
SCC = Philips
SCN = AEG, Amperex, Thomson, Siemens, Telefunken, Philips
SD = Temic
SE = Philips
SFC = Thomson, ESMF
SG = Silicon General (Linfinity Micro), Thomson, Texes Instruments, Motorola
SHC = Burr-Brown
SI = Temic, Maxim
SL = Plessy
SM = Nippon Precision Circuits
SN = Texas Instruments, Motorola
SP = Plessy, Philips
SPR = General Instrument
SS = Honeywell
SSM = Analog Devices
SSS = Monolithics
ST = Thomson, Startech
STR = Allegro Microsystems
SW = analog Devices
SYD = Syntaq
SYS = Syntaq

T = Toshiba
TA = Toshiba
TAA = AEG, Amperex, Thomson, Siemens, Philips, Telefunken
TAB = Plessy
TBA = AEG, Amperex, Thomson, Siemens, Telefunken, Philips
TC = Toshiba; Telcom Semiconductor
TCA = AEG, Amperex, Thomson, Siemens, Philips, Telefunken
TCM = Telcom Semiconductor
TD = Toshiba, Thomson
TDA = Philips, Motorola, Thomson
TDF = Thomson
TEA = AEG, Amperex, Thomson, Siemens, Telefunken, Philips
THM = Toshiba
TIBPAL = Texas Instruments
TL = Texas Instruments, Thomson, Motorola
TLC = Texas Instruments
TLE = Texas Instruments
TM = Texas Instruments
TMC = Taytheon
TML = Telmos
TMM = Toshiba
TMP = Toshiba
TMPZ = Toshiba
TMS = Texas Instruments
TP = Teledyne Philbrick
TPQ = Sprague
TS = Thomson
TSC = Teledyne Semiconductor
TSH = Thomson

U = Temic, Zentrum Microelectronics
UA = Philips, Motorola, Texas Instruments
UAA = Motorola
UAF = Burr-Brown
UC = Unitrode, Motorola, Thomson
UCC = Unitrode
UCN = Allegro Microsystems
UCS = Sprague
UD = Zentrum Microelectronics
UDN = Allegro Microsystems
UDS = Allegro Microsystems
UGN = Allegro Microsystems
ULN = Thomson, Motorola, Texas Instruments, US Microchip
UM = United Microelectronics Corp.
UMA = Philips
Unx = Fairchild, National Semiconductor

V = Amtel
VCA = Burr-Brown
VFC = Burr-Brown
VT = VLSI Technology Inc.

Pb_nec Laptops & Desktops Driver Download

Pb_nec Laptops & Desktops Driver Download

W = IC Works
WD = Western Digital

X = Xicor
XC = Motorola
XR = Exar
XTR = Burr-Brown

Z = Zilog
ZH = Zetex
ZLD = Ferranti
ZLDO = Zetex
ZM = Zetex
ZMR = Zetex
ZN = Ferranti, GEC-Plessey Semiconductor
ZR = Zetex
ZRA = Zetex
ZRB = Zetex
ZREF = Zetex
ZRT = Zetex
ZSD = Zetex
ZSM = Zetex