Quantitative Imaging Cameras
The Quantitative Imaging Team strives to maximise human understanding of image data. We are tasked with developing advanced image analysis algorithms and software solutions to maximise the quantity and quality of information that can be extracted from the images and videos, automatically and objectively while boosting throughput, reliability. Cooled qVGA SWIR InGaAs Camera. Quantitative SWIR imaging and spectroscopy. The Cooled qVGA SWIR InGaAs Camera uses selected InGaAs focal plane arrays Key Features with low dark current and low defective pixel count. Quantitative Phase Imaging Phasics introduces a new modality in light microscopy: Quantitative Phase Imaging. Phasics' innovative technique relies on a camera-like instrument and enables easy label-free imaging of specimens such as live cells, tissues, or any other semi-transparent samples. The QL320 by Providence Photonics is a quantitative optical gas imaging (QOGI) system that allows surveyors to measure the leak rates for methane and other hydrocarbons. This eliminates the need for secondary sampling with a toxic vapor analyzer or similar tool. Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery is an international, open access, peer-reviewed journal indexed in PubMed, Scopus and Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), featuring original reports and reviews in medical imaging, including X-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy, nuclear medicine.
The team at Quantum Imaging, a SCD.USA company, provides innovative camera solutions for a variety of high-performance imaging applications. The QI team has earned a world-wide reputation for supplying low-noise, high-speed imaging systems to the most technically demanding customers.
Our 12-, 14- and 16-bit designs have spanned the range from 28 Megapixel cameras at just a few frames per second to 512 x 512 cameras providing in excess of 100 million frames per second.
In addition to a line of standard camera products based upon visible (CCD, CMOS) and SWIR (InGaAs) sensors, our modular camera designs allow us to work with customers to implement custom or semi-custom cameras which are optimized for their particular imaging application.
Quantum Imaging is committed to leading the industry in technical performance. To that end, quantitative characterization reports are available on all Quantum Imaging products.
Quantitative phase imaging camera with a weak diffuser
We introduce the quantitative phase imaging camera with a weak diffuser (QPICWD) as a practical realization of quantitative phase imaging (QPI) on standard microscope platforms. The QPICWD is a compact stand-alone camera which measures sample induced phase delay under low-coherence quasi-monochromatic illumination by examining the deformation of the speckle intensity pattern. By interpreting the speckle deformation with an ensemble average of the geometric flow, we can obtain the high-resolution distortion field by solving the transport of intensity equation (TIE). Since the phase measured by TIE is the generalized phase of the partially coherent image, instead of the phase of the measured object, we analyze the effect of illumination coherence and imaging numerical aperture (NA) on the accuracy of phase retrieval, revealing that the phase of the object can be reliably retrieved when the coherence parameter (the ratio of illumination NA to objective NA) of the Kohler illumination is between 0.3 and 0.5. We present several applications for the new design including nondestructive optical testing of microlens array with nanometric thickness and imaging of fixed and live HeLa cells. Since the designed QPI camera does not require any modification of the widely available bright-field microscope or additional accessories for its use, it is expected to be adopted by the broader biology and medical community.
Quantitative Imaging Cameras Use
Quantitative Imaging
Quantitative Imaging Cameras Reviews
- Transport of intensity equation;
- Quantitative Phase Imaging;
- Microscopic Imaging;
- Speckle imaging;
- phase space