Revolution Education Port Devices Driver


  1. Revolution Education Port Devices Driver License Test
  2. Revolution Education Port Devices Drivers
  3. Revolution Education Port Devices Driver Ed
  4. Revolution Education Port Devices Driver
  5. Revolution Education Port Devices Driver Updater

The Intel® Driver & Support Assistant enables you to scan computing devices for the latest drivers available from Intel. This tool has the main interface hosted on Intel’s support website and provides a more integrated support experience to users. It has an enhanced detection engine to ensure that customers are given complete and accurate information and a scan frequency option to change from a “run-once” tool to a persistent experience that can provide customers with driver updates more quickly.

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Products supported: Graphics drivers, wireless networking, Intel® SSDs, Intel® NUCs, and Intel® Compute Sticks

Issues with upgrading Intel® Driver & Support Assistant to a newer version? Please try our Uninstaller.

Required to install and use utility

  • A broadband Internet connection is required to use this utility.
  • Operating system requirements for installation: This application installs on Windows 7*, Windows 8*, Windows 8.1*, and Windows® 10.
  • We recommend performing a Windows* update to bring your operating system up to date with the latest .NET.
  • This application does not support Internet Explorer* browser. We recommend using Chrome*, Firefox*, or Edge* (version 44.17763/18.17763 or newer) browsers.

Instructions for launching

  1. Uninstall any previous versions (optional).
  2. Download and save locally on your device.
  3. Double-click Intel® Driver & Support Assistant Installer.exe file.
  4. Read and agree to the license terms and conditions
  5. Select Install.
  6. Click Launch button; the tray icon will start and automatically opens default browser

What's new in version

  • Bug fixes for endless scanning issues
  • Improved screen reader compatibility of Installer
  • Improved network resiliency
  • UI improvements
  • General bug fixes and improvements

What's in previous version

  • Improved support for Intel® SSD software
  • UI improvements
  • General bug fixes and improvements

Languages supported: Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Italian, Korean, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Polish and Turkish.

Related topic



  • Write a Kernel-Mode Driver Framework (KMDF)HID source driver that submits HID Read Reports to the operating system.
  • Load the VHF driver as the lower filter to the HID source driver in the virtual HID device stack.

Applies to

  • Windows 10
  • Driver developers for HID devices
Revolution education port devices driver ed

Revolution Education Port Devices Driver License Test

Important APIs

Learn about writing a HID source driver that reports HID data to the operating system.

A HID input device, such as – a keyboard, mouse, pen, touch, or button, sends various reports to the operating system so that it can understand the purpose of the device and take necessary action. The reports are in the form of HID collections and HID Usages. The device sends those reports over various transports, some of which are supported by Windows, such as HID over I2C and HID over USB. In some cases, the transport might not be supported by Windows, or the reports might not directly map to real hardware. It can be a stream of data in the HID format that is sent by another software component for virtual hardware such as, for non-GPIO buttons or sensors. For example, consider accelerometer data from a phone that is behaving as a game controller, sent wirelessly to a PC. In another example, a computer can receive remote input from a Miracast device by using the UIBC protocol.

In previous versions of Windows, to support new transports (real hardware or software), you had to write a HID transport minidriver and bind it to the Microsoft-provided in-box class driver, Hidclass.sys. The class/mini driver pair provided the HID collections, such as Top-Level Collections to upper-level drivers and user-mode applications. In that model, the challenge was writing the minidriver, which can be a complex task.

Starting in Windows 10, the new Virtual HID Framework (VHF) eliminates the need to write a transport minidriver. Instead you can write a HID source driver by using KMDF or WDM programming interfaces. The framework consists of a Microsoft-provided static library that exposes programming elements used by your driver. It also includes a Microsoft-provided in-box driver that enumerates one or more child devices and proceeds to build and manage a virtual HID tree.

Note In this release, VHF supports a HID source driver only in kernel mode.

This topic describes the architecture of the framework, the virtual HID device tree, and the configuration scenarios.

Virtual HID device tree

In this image, the device tree shows the drivers and their associated device objects.

HID source driver (your driver)

The HID source driver links to Vhfkm.lib and includes Vhf.h in its build project. The driver can be written by using either Windows Driver Model (WDM) or Kernel-Mode Driver Framework (KMDF) that is part of the Windows Driver Frameworks (WDF). The driver can be loaded as a filter driver or a function driver in the device stack.

VHF static library (vhfkm.lib)

The static library is included in the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) for Windows 10. The library exposes programming interfaces such as routines and callback functions that are used by your HID source driver. When your driver calls a function, the static library forwards the request to the VHF driver that handles the request.

VHF driver (Vhf.sys)

A Microsoft-provided in-box driver. This driver must be loaded as a lower filter driver below your driver in the HID source device stack. The VHF driver dynamically enumerates child devices and creates physical device objects (PDO) for one or more HID devices that are specified by your HID source driver. It also implements the HID Transport mini-driver functionality of the enumerated child devices.

HID class driver pair (Hidclass.sys, Mshidkmdf.sys)

The Hidclass/Mshidkmdf pair enumerates Top-Level Collections (TLC) similar to how it enumerates those collections for a real HID device. A HID client can continue to request and consume the TLCs just like a real HID device. This driver pair is installed as the function driver in the device stack.

Note In some scenarios, a HID client might need to identify the source of HID data. For example, a system has a built-in sensor and receives data from a remote sensor of the same type. The system might want to choose one sensor to be more reliable. To differentiate between the two sensors connected to the system, the HID client queries for the container ID of the TLC. In this case, a HID source driver can provide the container ID, which is reported as the container ID of the virtual HID device by VHF.

HID client (application)

Queries and consumes the TLCs that are reported by the HID device stack.

Header and library requirements

This procedure describes how to write a simple HID source driver that reports headset buttons to the operating system. In this case, the driver that implements this code can be an existing KMDF audio driver that has been modified to act as a HID source reporting headset buttons by using VHF.

  1. Include Vhf.h, included in the WDK for Windows 10.
  2. Link to vhfkm.lib, included in the WDK.
  3. Create a HID Report Descriptor that your device wants to report to the operating system. In this example, the HID Report Descriptor describes the headset buttons. The report specifies a HID Input Report, size 8 bits (1 byte). The first three bits are for the headset middle, volume-up, and volume-down buttons. The remaining bits are unused.

Create a virtual HID device

Revolution Education Port Devices Drivers

Initialize a VHF_CONFIG structure by calling the VHF_CONFIG_INIT macro and then call the VhfCreate method. The driver must call VhfCreate at PASSIVE_LEVEL after the WdfDeviceCreate call, typically, in the driver's EvtDriverDeviceAdd callback function.

In the VhfCreate call, the driver can specify certain configuration options, such as operations that must be processed asynchronously or setting device information (vendor/product IDs).

For example, an application requests a TLC. When the HID class driver pair receives that request, the pair determines the type of request and creates an appropriate HID Minidriver IOCTL request and forwards it to VHF. Upon getting the IOCTL request, VHF can handle the request, rely on the HID source driver to process it, or complete the request with STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED.

Revolution education port devices driver updater

VHF handles these IOCTLs:

If the request is GetFeature, SetFeature, WriteReport, or GetInputReport, and the HID source driver registered a corresponding callback function, VHF invokes the callback function. Within that function, the HID source driver can get or set HID data for the HID virtual device. If the driver doesn't register a callback, VHF completes the request with status STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED.

VHF invokes HID source driver-implemented event callback functions for these IOCTLs:

  • If the driver wants to handle the buffering policy while submitting a buffer to obtain HID Input Report, it must implement the EvtVhfReadyForNextReadReport and specify a pointer in the EvtVhfAsyncOperationGetInputReport member. For more information, see Submit the HID Input Report.


    If the driver wants to get or set a HID Feature Report asynchronously, the driver must implement the EvtVhfAsyncOperation function and specify a pointer to the get or set implementation function in the EvtVhfAsyncOperationGetFeature or EvtVhfAsyncOperationSetFeature member of VHF_CONFIG.

  • If the driver wants to get a HID Input Report asynchronously, the driver must implement the EvtVhfAsyncOperation function and specify a pointer to the function in the EvtVhfAsyncOperationGetInputReport member of VHF_CONFIG.

  • If the driver wants to get a write a HID Input Report asynchronously, the driver must implement the EvtVhfAsyncOperation function and specify a pointer to the function in the EvtVhfAsyncOperationWriteReport member of VHF_CONFIG.

For any other HID Minidriver IOCTL, VHF completes the request with STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED.

The virtual HID device is deleted by calling the VhfDelete. The EvtVhfCleanup callback is required if the driver allocated resources for the virtual HID device. The driver must implement the EvtVhfCleanup function and specify a pointer to that function in the EvtVhfCleanup member of VHF_CONFIG. EvtVhfCleanup is invoked before the VhfDelete call completes. For more information, see Delete the virtual HID device.

Note After an asynchronous operation completes, the driver must call VhfAsyncOperationComplete to set the results of the operation. You can call the method from the event callback or at a later time after returning from the callback.

Revolution Education Port Devices Driver Ed

Submit the HID input report

Submit the HID input report by calling VhfReadReportSubmit.

Typically, a HID device sends information about state changes by sending input reports through interrupts. For example, the headset device might send a report when the state of a button changes. In such an event, the driver's interrupt service routine (ISR) is invoked. In that routine, the driver might schedule a deferred procedure call (DPC) that processes the input report and submits it to VHF, which sends the information to the operating system. By default, VHF buffers the report and the HID source driver can start submitting HID Input Reports as they come in. This and eliminates the need for the HID source driver to implement complex synchronization.

The HID source driver can submit input reports by implementing the buffering policy for pending reports. To avoid duplicate buffering, the HID source driver can implement the EvtVhfReadyForNextReadReport callback function and keep track of whether VHF invoked this callback. If it was previously invoked, the HID source driver can call VhfReadReportSubmit to submit a report. It must wait for EvtVhfReadyForNextReadReport to get invoked before it can call VhfReadReportSubmit again.

Delete the virtual HID device

Delete the virtual HID device by calling VhfDelete.

Revolution Education Port Devices Driver

VhfDelete can be called synchronous or asynchronously by specifying the Wait parameter. For a synchronous call, the method must be called at PASSIVE_LEVEL, such as from EvtCleanupCallback of the device object. VhfDelete returns after deleting the virtual HID device. If the driver calls VhfDelete asynchronously, it returns immediately and VHF invokes EvtVhfCleanup after the delete operation is complete. The method can be called at maximum DISPATCH_LEVEL. In this case, the driver must have registered and implemented an EvtVhfCleanup callback function when it previously called VhfCreate. Here is the sequence of events when HID source driver wants to delete the virtual HID device:

Revolution Education Port Devices Driver Updater

  1. HID source driver stops initiating calls into VHF.
  2. HID source calls VhfDelete with Wait set to FALSE.
  3. VHF stops invoking callback functions implemented by the HID source driver.
  4. VHF starts reporting the device as missing to PnP Manager. At this point, the VhfDelete call might return.
  5. When the device is reported as a missing device, VHF invokes EvtVhfCleanup if the HID source driver registered its implementation.
  6. After EvtVhfCleanup returns, VHF performs its cleanup.

Install the HID source driver

In the INF file that installs the HID source driver, make sure that you declare Vhf.sys as a lower filter driver to your HID source driver by using the AddReg Directive.

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